
Signs That Your Commercial HVAC Needs Repair

A properly-functioning HVAC in your office is great and all but when it fails, your employees, customers, and you will suffer. When this happens, you can expect low productivity and high operating cost. So how do you know when your commercial HVAC system needs repair? Take a little time and see any of these signs: Uneven Temperatures If some areas of your office are not getting warm, then something is wrong with the system. Some of the potential causes could be an obstructed airflow, duct leaks, and wrong HVAC size. In that case, calling in the experts is the best and reliable option. They can quickly fix the problem before it gets worse. Unpleasant Odors When the unit begins to produce odd smells like a gas leak, burned dust, or musty odor, it indicates a serious problem. It is possible that your filter is clogged with dirt or there are broken components in the system. These intolerable smells could put your health and safety in jeopardy.   Short Cycling Sh...

6 Energy-Saving Tips This Winter

Winter is here! It’s time to cozy up to hot drinks and toasty nights by the furnace. The question is…   how do you stay comfortably warm without sucking your wallet dry? Well, that’s exactly why this blog is for you. Get ready to save these cooler months with these six (6) energy-saving tips. Find and Seal Leaks   Cold drafts are among the culprits of huge heat loss in Langhorne, PA homes. Go check the windows, doors, and electrical outlets for gaps or cracks. Seal any holes using a spray-in foam or caulk. Replace old weather stripping and have the pros inspect your ductwork system. Run Ceiling Fans in Reverse You wouldn’t believe it, but ceiling fans can provide an extra layer of warmth in your space. How? Simply set the fan blade in a clockwise mode to push the heated air down. Doing it will lower your heating bills by roughly 20% and improve the efficiency of your unit. Change the Filters Keeping your filters clean can go a long way. This si...